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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

magical might be an overstatement, steve

it came, it presented, it left us with mixed emotions. the much anticipated apple tablet was finally released in cupertino this afternoon with high expectations, but did it live up to these? limepink has compiled a full list of pros, cons, opinions and comments. please, share your thoughts on the new product as well!

1. fills the gap
there is an obvious tech gap between the macbooks and iphone, and the ipad fills much of the awkward void that so many have tried to squeeze into the two said products. with web browsing capabilities, app usage, mail client, syndication of iWork, iTunes, and iBooks, it provides a more comfortable platform to use all of these features
2. user interface
the layout of all of this is a nice blend of the UI's we are familiar with from our experience with the macbooks, iPhones, and even iPods. some UI's i was impressed with include iTunes, iCal, the App Store and the iBooks.
3. eReading
the eReading features on the iPad are what stood out the most to me. as mentioned above, the layout is very revolutionary, while sticking it to the traditional looks. scrolling seems very fluent and natural. the NYT demo made me feel like i had the times right in front of me. in my opinion, if they were smart they'd allow free app downloads for front page news and charge a monthly subscription fee for additional sections and NYT magazine on weekends.
the iBookstore and iBooks seem to trump the nook, kindle, and all other preceding eReaders. five major publishers are in on this, so there seems to be little limitations on what users can read. this is only the beginning, i think it will open so many more opportunities within publishing that it could lead into the rebirth of dying media, something i'd love to see!
5. graphics card

apple never fails in the graphics department, i have always been pleased with the quality of visuals on all my apple products. the rotation of images from portrait to landscape is always a plus as well. EA and Gameloft put on awesome demos and it seems as if this product is the best platform so far for gaming, its like a juiced up gameboy to me. this will change mobile gaming.
6. battery
10 hour battery is great. no product has juice like this which will make it better for traveling than the macbook. if i want to go back to london one day, i can watch a movie, read a book, go through a playlist and not have to charge it once.

1. name
 srsly? wtf! apple's PR consultant should be fired ASAP. iPad is way too similar to iPod, and many will often get the names confused. furthermore, there are way too many perverse jokes that will soon surface the internets, mark my words*. speculatory names such as iSlate, iTab, iGuide, and even the Newtown would have been much more fitting, appropriate, and straight up better than iPad. ugh.
2. lack of notifications/zoom/multitasking
why not apple?  push notifications were a huge hit when you released the iPhone. no calls is understandable, especially when we can get 3G coverage. but no zoom and no multitasking? tsk tsk, huge fallback.
3. no camera(s)
by now this feature should be standard on most apple products. shame on you steve jobs, i was hoping another redeeming quality to this would be the potential video conferencing/live streaming opps this could have opened, but expectations were never met. imagine the possibilities of an iPad with front and back cameras and the awesome new ustream app? there was so much potential there, and i think you were blinded by new features that you overlooked the old ones.
4. price
hate the netbooks, but they are cheaper and dare i say it, more worth it?
5. no cd/dvd/blu ray slot
what? it's .5 inches thick, that leaves plenty of room for my DVD's! don't try to force me to watch all my movies through iTunes, because that's incredibly communistic. 

6. 1.0 = room for improvement
walk before you run. as much as i love apple, they always release a better version soon after their product's pilot release. i think i'll wait for that 2.0
7. i don't care how many gigs are on that, you look like an idiot.
daily finance said it best "You do not need to buy a new gadget every time Steve Jobs tells you might as well wear a sign that says 'rob me'" boy were they right. for every person i see on the train, plane, or automobile on their iPad, i will simply shake my head and smile at their impatience and willingness to spend excessive amounts of money.

*side note, 20 mins after the press conference and #itampon, #iperiod and imaxipad are already trending topics, ew.

mixed feelings:
1. third party apps
the potential for new apps on the iPad is huge right now, particularly for gaming and eReading, as i said earlier. but, the apps that were originally developed for the iPhone will look awkward. since most devs have created apps for a 2" wide screen, their adaptations to a 9" one will look strained. will apple have to create a separate app store for each platform or will devs have to create different apps for each product? i guess we'll find out.
2. email display:
yea, it looks cool, and it is probably more efficient too. but, it's nothing we can't get on our iPhones or macbooks content-wise. i think most critics will be drawn into this feature for the wrong reasons. its really nothing special.
3. iWork
looks awesome, but this kind of thing belongs on the macbook, not on this glorified iPhone. i think you wasted a lot of your time trying to make this work on the iPad when it clearly was not meant to be.
4. specs
1.5 lbs, 1/2 inch thick, 9.7 inch display, multi-touch screen. do these specs make it more mobile or easier to break? you decide.
5. data plans
well, they did offer options -which is unusual with apple- for different size (16, 32, and 64 GB) and different data plans (with or without 3G capabilities). still too expensive for me though.

overall: the only reason i'd buy it is for the awesome eReading capabilities, but everything else i can find on my iPhone/macbook. overpriced, overrated, but still innovative. maybe i'll give it second thoughts with the 2.0. thanks to engadget for the feed and the images!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

if you're into typeface

particularly helvetica then check out these cookie cutters!

world wide web circa 1995

Monday, January 25, 2010

jeff&erin FTW

wow, just when you think you've seen it all on youtube. from the ridiculously viral jk wedding dance video, to the tragic israeli wedding floor collapse, media sharing has taken the wedding video to a whole new level. today, i found via, a wedding invite video,  and we must admit, it is pretty epic. check out the cinematic save the date video that was posted to their site.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

i'm with coco

last week we discussed how the public firing of conan o'brien had taken the internets by storm. but now that all is said and sadly done, people are still putting out content! such is the case with this homemade tribute song to the former tonight show host. while the song sucks and the singer is creepy, the lyrics are actually pretty kickass and from one Coco lover to another, i say job well done (plus, he plugs haiti relief which is never a bad thing)! check it out, it gets better after the first :20

iphone: a global domination story

Friday, January 22, 2010

tablet prototype?!

so vintage, so 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

most googled recipes of 2009

According to Restaurants & Institutions, the top 10 most-Googled recipes of last year were:

1. Chili
2. Meatloaf
3. Cheesecake
4. Banana bread
5. Pancake
6. Salsa
7. Hummus
8. Lasagna
9. Apple pie
10. Meatball

Does that gibe with your own cooking-search behavior in 2009?

ad for farmville for the lulz

Friday, January 15, 2010

i'd rather use the dark mark ( sarcmark )

a new punctuation mark was created to denote sarcasm in a sentence.
this is great for people like myself who don't pick up on sarcasm wellsarcmark
it's $1.99 to download it, its $0.00 to copy and paste it, and 1:02 of your life after watching the commercial for it.

holy hashtags: #TEAM CONAN

most of the united states is aware of what kind of BS nbc has been conjuring lately for the general public, and a long time role model of mine, conan o'brien. needless to say, this controversy has been giving the late night hosts (including jimmy kimmel and david letterman) plenty to open with, but the web is saying just as much.

the drastic decisions made by the nbc execs has generated several memes throughout various social media platforms that finally put a stop to the bra color updates (that made me feel a little uncomfortable)

one such meme is the #teamconan hashtag on twitter, which has been a trending topic practically all week. it takes after the popular twilight series character support hashtags #teamedward or #teamjacob (or #teamEMMETT!)

on facebook, people have been updating their statuses in a similar fashion but also with another twist: changing their profile pictures in support of conan. groups, fan pages, and this wildly popular avatar reading 'i'm with coco' makes the statement pretty clear: the majority of the public seems to favor late night's favorite ginger.

i haven't got to the best part yet, and it's just another reason why i love coco: he put a listing for the tonight show on craigslist! what a genius. i encourage you all to check it out, the description is definitely worth the clicks.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

malicious bibleware

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

typeface woes

barack gets rick rolled

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

excellent mashup

beyonce + andy griffiths, need more be said?

guilty&&need this ASAP

I’ve seen people (literally) very close to me do it: checking Facebook in bed. Here’s hoping it says more about them than it says about me. But if “Bedbooking” or “Facebedding” is a widespread phenomenon, then there’s certainly a market for the dash, Sony’s “Personal Internet Viewer” or as I call it: a pimped-out alarm clock. The WiFi-enabled device sports a 7-inch touchscreen and runs over 1,000 free apps, like a lava lamp, traffic alerts, YouTube, minigolf, and of course, Facebook. Bedside entertainment guaranteed!
Shipping in April for $199.


grandparents are so tender

from college humor's 'parents just don't understand'
My grandparents have a Notepad file with only !"·$%&/()=@#~‚¬¬;:_ written in it. They use it to copy/paste if they ever need them while writing, because they never found out how to use the Shift key.
Gabby C

was mario on TFLN?

google is the word of the decade

& 'unfriend' is the word of the year
& 'tweet' is the word of the day
& why does this need to be made official?

mark mcguire is so yesterday, this is so tomorrow.

after a brief hiatus, i welcome you back to lime pink with a video my boyfriends made.
yes, i've got multiple boyfriends.