RSS Feed

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


in light of the snow we got last night in syracuse, i'd like to share some holiday findings thus far. please enjoy the following media:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

inappropro wifi names

everytime i turn on my computer, i am invited to join the following networks:


some neighbors i've got here on redfield. as i walk down the street on my way to class, my iphone picks up wifi's such as the dyke palace, doo doo butter, and ape tits. i wish i was kidding. want more? keep scrolling!

cheesy but good visuals

A Day in the Internet

the year in auto-tune

two of my favorite fake music genres: mashups and auto-tune.

facebook finally listened to its users

remember way back in the mid-2000's when facebook was for college kids only? collegehumor posted the kind of facebook perfectly tailored for today's college student. while limepink does not condone any of the following activities, we can't help but laugh at the stress relieving methods we see practiced here on our own campus. please enjoy as we did :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

more love for google

Today, I decided to try the Yahoo! vs Google search. I typed in "i fear" and yahoo came up with 'i fear of death' and google came up with, 'i fear one day i'll meet god he'll sneeze and I won't know what to say.' I think google wins. Again. MLIA

taken from

time and time again

my fellow readers,

   i know its been a while but please bear with me as my college career comes to a close. while finals, the holidays, the everlasting journey to a 4.0, and job applications have recently taken over my life, limepink has not been forgotten. i think i will take a brief hiatus from the blogosphere until my exams are over, and you can all expect daily updates galore!

  for news, opinion, and internet lulz on a minuscule level, feel free to follow/friend/connect me on any of my other online presences!

love, peace, web grease!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

oh the power of autocomplete

Monday, November 23, 2009

google's origins

The Google Story from Nick Scott Studio on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

twitter in real life

n00bz are always asking me how twitter works. well, this won't explain it but it scratches the surface. lolgasm!

Last famous status updates

last week, a facebook status served as an alibi for a robbery suspect. the suspect proved he was not present at the scene of the crime by showing a status update sent from his father's apartment building around the same time it was committed.

in this case, a facebook status saved someones butt but often times it can also be the cause of punishment. just yesterday on tyra (dont judge) was a young woman who was fired for talking trash about her boss on facebook and twitter. similarly,  college humor posted some funny facebook statuses that might have caused a little bit of trouble for the particular users. you may be familiar with some of these, check it out:


Friday, November 20, 2009

visual truths

holy hastags: oprah, twilight, tweet en francais!

so many trending topics, so little time. here's what the twittersphere went ape over the past 24 hours:

oprah announces the last episode of her talk show. just a matter of hours later, her name is all over the twitterverse with an average of 8,000 tweets/hour by the end of the afternoon.

just a few moments ago @PerezHilton announces a Miley Cyrus tour bus crashed in Virginia. moments later, her name is up next to oprah's.

Miley may have dropped her twitter account, but that doesnt mean she wont be talked about. you can run miley, but you most certainly cannot hide.

still trending in two positions are New Moon and #newmoon. saw the flick at midnight, definitely worth the $10 ticket and 4 hour wait in line :) tweets are mostly reviews and anticipatory statements.

finally, with the unveiling of plans for an entirely google OS in the works, the world took to twitter to share thoughts, info, and ideas. more on google chrome OS to come on limepink.

also, in addition to its spanish services, twitter just launched a french version of their site. quelle fantastique! je pense que j'essaierai. le retweet.

Monday, November 16, 2009

happy #newmoon week!

i'm sure i speak for thousands when i say i haven't been on myspace in months.
i'm sure i speak for just as many when i say i can't wait to tune in on myspace to watch the live video stream from the red carpet at the new moon premiere tonight!
summit pulled all the social media stops on this one: with the help of ustream, twitter, facebook, AIM and myspace, visitors have the opportunity to watch live coverage on the red carpet and participate in a live conversation through all the said outlets all on the same page. to be quite honest, i'm surprised they didn't pull a U2 and provide a live stream on YouTube as well but whatevs.
in honor of #newmoon week (which i will be seeing at midnight this thursday!) college humor created a terrible combination of two of my favorite things: twilight and 3 wolf moon. this could have been so much better, but i have to share it:

also, taylor swift did an incredible parody of bella swan on SNL last week, this is much more worth the three minutes :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

violence gone viral: on the field

it seems as if these have been popping up a lot lately: violent athletes caught on tape.
a few weeks back, a close up caught Brandon Spikes, Florida linebacker, gauging out the eye of an opponent through his helmet (gross, right?!). unfortunately, the video was taken down after the viral nature of it caught wind. but the aggression doesn't stop here.

earlier this week, Elizabeth Lambert, a New Mexico soccer player, was caught on tape taking an opponent to the ground by her hair. catfight?! the video has reached over 10 million impressions with 24,000 comments. numbers say it is on the rise to reach the viral successes of balloon boy and the jk wedding dance. why the sudden success? see for youself, and pray to whomever you deem holy that you never play on the opposing team of this girl.

twitter RT feature

while i still have yet to receive a google wave invite (cough cough) i was smitten to see this upon logging into my twitter this fine morning (pay no attention to the ron weasley behind the message)

needless to say i was excited, especially after twitter shafted me from the lists experiment as well. but as i continued to test the RT function, the excitement died a bit. while the new addition saves users from C+P methods of retweeting, it automatically posts the tweets rather than copy the message into the text box at the top. why does this bug me? because users cannot add a comment to the post they are retweeting, which is something i frequently do.

another cool addition that comes with this is its similarity to the 'like' button on facebook as shown above.  as far as my knowledge tells me, this is the first time we see quantitative metrics on a tweet, which is pretty cool in terms of measuring word of mouth in the twitterverse.

 something else that came up on my feed were from users i was not following. while the stubborn me would argue that 'theres a reason i'm not following them' it also introduced me to users who my friends liked and RT'ed. interesting feature, and while i trust my friends' judgments this could get moderately annoying.

Monday, November 9, 2009

applephiles unite


Sunday, November 8, 2009

the ghost of social media

after just a few years, we have all had the opportunity to see the strength and influence social media has had on the world. we have all been exposed to things we would not normally see, experience things we never knew existed, but most importantly reconnect with old friends. how funny is it when someone from your kindergarten class facebooks you or when the boy you used to have a crush on @replies you?! but how about never being able to see updates from that friend again; never being able to see what they are doing, how they are feeling, or who they are with. how do we treat the online profiles of the deceased?

a bunch of us lost a good friend this past summer in Afghanistan. Lance Corporal James Argentine was a U.S. Marine killed in a roadside bomb on August 6, 2009. needless to say, this news broke fast and hard. in fact, many of us heard about it through the social web (status updates, mass messages, etc). how could this happen? why did it have to happen to James? the kid whose religious views on facebook quote "Wu-Tang Financial" (I'm not kidding, see below)

seeing friends from high school gather in his memory brought more laughs than sobs as we recollected the jokes he would always pull on those around him.

as time passed, the news of his death became more and more believable as the idea of him not being here settled within all of us. however, just 2 months after his untimely death something reminded us that he is not entirely gone. there is still a presence of James that allows us to communicate with him and let him know what we are doing, how we are feeling, and who we are with: facebook.

for all of James' facebook friends, the social networking site reminded us that it has indeed been a while since we've talked. a new addition to the right side bar upon login let us all know that James is indeed still among us. and while no one necessarily expected a response, a flood of wall posts to James kept popping up on my feed.

the death of another close friend within the same group 2 months later reminded me how fragile life is, but how endless it can be if you have an online presence. how odd and unreal it can be, that someone is present in a virtual aspect of life but not a physical. through memorial groups, wall posts, notes and even twitter lists the spirit and memory of those lost can live on. while some may argue that this is insensitive i would respectfully disagree. because of this, we can relive what their last thoughts were, how they were feeling, and who meant something to them.

James and Berger, we miss you dearly but thank you for everything you've done for us during your short time here on Earth. in just over two decades, you managed to make a difference in many lives, which is something not many can accomplish. only God knows what you could have done with some more time with us. May you two rest peacefully, and please check your facebook often. everyone has some good things to say, including a few wall posts that might make you laugh up there in heaven

Also, I can't write about James and not include this video, definitely brings on the LULZ:

Friday, November 6, 2009

three rowlf moon

only because its the muppets birthday.
and sesame street defines much of who i am today.
and jim henson was a god among mortals.
and i want to buy the 3 wolf moon shirt.

help me obi wan kenobi, youre my only hope

this probably would have been more relevant on halloween on may 4th but i like it regardless

PS: May 4th = Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you)

beacause i'm still #notdonewithlondon

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

how much is the new macbook for real?

my boyfriend just tried to tell me the new macbook was upwards of $1,400.
i told him he was wrong.
he told me i was wrong.
i sent him this link from across the room.

he shut up.
i like being right :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

the apptimist: my new favorites

being the broke college student that i am, retail therapy is rarely an option to unwind, and my limited amount of income doesn't necessarily cover the bar tab either.  so to celebrate the end of midterm week, this blogger did some shopping in the app store the other day, and walked out a much happier person. here's what i got (for free):

1. twitbird PRO
i have literally experimented with every free twitter app there is on the iPhone. while some stand out more than others, they all share one really annoying graphic that comes with all lite versions: banner ads. for some reason, this pro version of twitbird was in the app store for free one day so naturally i jumped on it. i immediately loved it for the lack of ads at the top, but whats really interesting is that it aggregates all tweets in a conversation template, as opposed to stacking boxes like all other. aesthetically, its visually pleasing and very easy to navigate. i myself would not pay more than $1-$2 for the app but for free, this was an awesome find.

2. epicurious
zomg, what an awesome app for any foodie, novice to expert! being the amateur beer, wine and food enthusiast that i am, i tend to eat out a lot but one of my upcoming resolutions is to actually use the kitchen that i have more often: epicurious to the rescue. they have 25,000+ recipes from experts, magazines, and food blogs and categorize them for your liking. at the top of the menu appears seasonal dishes (right now, you'll see variations of thanksgiving offerings) as well as sponsored lists, lists based on cooking ability, main food, sides, drinks, deserts, lifestyle, snacks, party foods and so much more. if you see a recipe that you like, users can bookmark it, have the ingredients sent to their virtual shopping list, and if you tip your phone over, a step-by-step direction sheet appears. with a helpful search function, it is quite literally the best food app i have yet to see. only downside are the ads that get thrown in between every 10 recipes, but they are definitely better than the banners. a+ in my book.

3. mobiQpons
an app with coupons local to your area. need i say more?

4. remote

for all the other applephiles out there, you would know that most computer products come with a remote control. while my little brother has hijacked mine out of protest, this has come in real handy. it accesses your iTunes library through wifi connection and allows you to control the media selection, volume, play/pause, etc. pretty cool when i use it to watch twilight from my bed every night.

Monday, November 2, 2009

z0mG twitter lists!!!11!!!1!

dear diary, today i made and followed my first twitter list.
for those who know me, you would be able to categorize me as one who is often conservative in most areas. however, once i make a change that i find useful, i often embrace it with vigor. such was the case with recent twitter lists.

@mashable provided the web with an excellent review of how to use it and how one can benefit from it. i, however, am a textual learner and prefer to learn from practice. so far i only made 1 list of all the girls in my sorority who are in the twitterverse for us all to get a thread going. i made it private so no creepos can look in on it and spam my sisters, and i also got a few to follow it as well. operation: success!

although i am still new to it, im excited to learn more of what this new app has to offer and blog my adventures. man, i love twitter 8-)

peace, love, @nicole_hering

Friday, October 30, 2009

happy halloween

with the inevitable 'holiday' (i use that term loosely as there are no valid reasons to celebrate it) approaching, it seems as if everyone gets giddier and giddier to showcase what little fabric they paid upwards of $50 for. while i am far from pessimistic, i just cant quite comprehend what is so enjoyable about getting your BAC up while lowering the amount of clothing on your body.

minor rant, but i digress. the other day @mashable posted 12 Awesome Social Media Halloween Pumpkin Carvings and we couldn't be more entertained. below are my faves, but hit the link to see more

the fail whale


the rss pumpkin


aaaand even though this is a blogspot, i will support my fellow bloggers with their wordpress pumpkin

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

y0 dawg, i herd u lyk batman

yo dawg i herd you like batman so i put some jet blasters in yo trunk so you can drive fast while you speed. ok that wasnt funny but this is: some dude (we'll call him wolfgang15 for now) is selling a batmobile on ebay from marietta georgia. surprisingly, it didnt sell for as much as i would have guessed, but its not exactly movie quality. everyone knows the real batman drives a Lamborghini, a Maserati, and a Jeep for off-roading during his leisure hours. the gotham public would not settle for their volunteer police force driving anything of this nature, but i'm sure the full time cops could deal. gotham will be up in flames by midnight with this citizen-created vehicle.