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Friday, November 20, 2009

holy hastags: oprah, twilight, tweet en francais!

so many trending topics, so little time. here's what the twittersphere went ape over the past 24 hours:

oprah announces the last episode of her talk show. just a matter of hours later, her name is all over the twitterverse with an average of 8,000 tweets/hour by the end of the afternoon.

just a few moments ago @PerezHilton announces a Miley Cyrus tour bus crashed in Virginia. moments later, her name is up next to oprah's.

Miley may have dropped her twitter account, but that doesnt mean she wont be talked about. you can run miley, but you most certainly cannot hide.

still trending in two positions are New Moon and #newmoon. saw the flick at midnight, definitely worth the $10 ticket and 4 hour wait in line :) tweets are mostly reviews and anticipatory statements.

finally, with the unveiling of plans for an entirely google OS in the works, the world took to twitter to share thoughts, info, and ideas. more on google chrome OS to come on limepink.

also, in addition to its spanish services, twitter just launched a french version of their site. quelle fantastique! je pense que j'essaierai. le retweet.


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